No service!

This is the first time this season Carl has been somewhere with no service… His mom hasn’t heard from him either!

While I knew these rolls would happen, I figured it would be harder.

Not what you were expecting me to say I’m sure…

It is only the first two days of this roll so we’ll see how I hold up. Until he is home I have faith.

Faith that he is safe.
Faith that he is working hard.
Faith that our relationship is strong.

He’s such a good man. There are few people I know who I apply that term to… Being a good man. I trust him in so many ways beyond his fidelity. And the only reason I point that out is because so many people think that trust only has to do with how faithful you are, but it is SO much more. I trust him to come home to me, to love only me, to be there when I need him, to forgive me when I make a mistake, to listen to me and laugh with me, and he has that same trust in me. I trust that even when he is in a grumpy mood that his love is as strong as ever and to not hold it against him- everybody has their days.

Faith and Trust.

Here’s to the 2014 fire season!

Bring it on 😉