Week 1 Day 4 and a Slightly Sassy Rant

You know what amazes me? The level of exhaustion that I physically feel sometimes, especially after putting my body through the ringer.

Last night, the only thing that happened at home (productively) was a MASSIVE cleaning session with Stephie Poo. Oh boy! Now our kitchen is spotless 🙂 Usually I clean the kitchen pretty well every other day (this body building habit creates a lot of dish pile up) but once in a while we do wait a few days, collectively, to get things taken care of. I really do think we should be on the commercial for Finish Jet Dry… We thought the dishwasher was broke. Nope, we just had crappy detergent. Who knew?

I did get ONE load of Carl’s laundry dry and ONE load of mine washed, and tonight I am so excited to clean my room and grill some food… I got some medallion steaks from Fry’s while waiting for Pearl to be done at the car wash and they look YUMMY. Mmm!

About 9pm last night I started to feel my leg workout from Tuesday. And do I ever feel it today – thank goodness today is a jean day at school. I ate a HUGE breakfast full of lots of good macros, had some coffee, and am now chugging water. I think the foam roller will be a must after today’s workout. Yoga did not happen last night either. I fell asleep on the couch around 10pm and was OUT like a light. Clearly my body was telling me I needed sleep more than I needed to do yoga.

Anyone else out there have hay fever? If you don’t know what hay fever is, you probably don’t have it… but in case you don’t it is the worst kind of allergy problem you could possibly have! Ugh! I refuse to take allergy medicine because of it’s affect on my voice and vocal chords, so I suffer through with an itchy nose. Staying hydrated helps with the drainage so I don’t cough or clear my throat but I can’t stand goopy eyes and sneezing every five seconds. Grr. I can’t WAIT until the 110 degree weather hits and kills everything that makes me sneeze.

This morning when I weighed myself (and I do every morning so I can see how my body reacts to certain foods/supplements/etc) I realized I have shot right back up! I am thinking maybe it is because the last few days I have been consciously drinking 96oz of water every day. Now, I attempted to be sincere about hydration prior to this, but I can’t tell you if before this week I was having more or less. This could merely be stored water weight that will drop back off in a couple days. Still, I frantically e-mailed Coach this morning going “OMG OMG OMG I DON’T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!!” In truth, I have been very meticulous about my macros and consistent for a while so the fact that my body isn’t reacting the way it should is slightly alarming. Ok, now I can breath (whoa that was a long sentence). Anyway, I will keep you updated on what Coach says and how my weight progresses this week. Grr.

Plus side, today is my Friday! Since this week we have standardized testing, tomorrow we have the day off from school (called the April Testing Break) but we all know this day is given off to us since it is Good Friday. Hah. Take that political correctness!!! I am not one to be super religious or over zealous or anything like that but let’s be honest – the real reason tomorrow is off for all schools IS Good Friday, and everyone including Corporate America will be celebrating Easter this weekend. Even Stephie Poo has a half day at work! Hmm.

If you don’t celebrate Easter, and have some other celebration that has or will happen over the next week, I hope you thoroughly enjoy – or don’t enjoy if you aren’t doing a damn thing and that is OK too!

Also, I hope you thoroughly enjoyed the “somewhat sassy” in this post… I don’t think the coffee has kicked in yet 😛


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